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Digital nomads in Costa Rica: what is it and what benefits does it entail?

Recently, the Government of Costa Rica enacted Law 10008 through which the figure of remote workers or service providers (commonly known as “digital nomads”) is created. However, foreigners cannot apply for this immigration status yet as the Regulations to this Law are still pending. In the meantime, it is convenient to know what this immigration status entails and what benefits the foreigner could obtain. In this blog we explain both points.

What does the category of “digital nomads” mean?

The Law allows foreigners working on their own account or for a company abroad to apply for this status. Foreigners obtain a non-resident status. Legally speaking, this means that the foreigner does not acquire permanent residence rights in the country under this immigration status. Why is this clarification important? Because those foreigners who are interested in acquiring permanent residence rights in the country and therefore have greater access to banking and housing services, may not be so interested in applying for this new immigration status.

What benefits could the foreigner obtain?

The Law establishes several benefits:

• Exemption from income tax

• Right to stay for one year in Costa Rica, extendable for up to one additional year

• Exemption from import taxes on certain equipment

• Validity of driver’s license alongside your immigration status

• Right to open savings accounts

At CELIG we provide specialized services to the LGBTQI + community. For more information or to make an appointment with us, call us at 2253-0256, 2245-0855, or write to us at

We are located in San José, Barrio Escalante.

M.Sc. Ana Isabel Sibaja Rojas