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What documents do I need to file for the digital nomad category?

In this blog we share the requirements to file for the category of «digital nomads» and the requirements to be documented under this category.

Requirements to file for the category:

a) Application form duly signed by the interested person or their representative.

b) Proof of payment in favor of the Government for one hundred US dollars.

c) Image of the page of the current passport of the foreigner, in which his/her photograph and biographical information are stated, and of the page in which the entry stamp to Costa Rica is stated if he/she is already within the national territory.

d) Consular or restricted visa, depending on the nationality of the foreigner. To verify if you require a visa, we recommend reviewing the Visa Guidelines in force at the time of processing the application.

e) Bank statements, accompanied by a sworn statement, showing income of $3,000 (if you come alone) or $4,000 per month if you come with dependents.

Requirements for documentation:

a) Proof of payment in favor of the Government for the amount indicated in the resolution issued by the Immigration authority.

b) Proof of payment in favor of the Government for ninety dollars (US$90.00) corresponding to the request for an Immigration document, the issuance of the document that certifies legal permanence and the amounts allocated to the Special and Social Migration Fund.

c) Proof of single payment for the guarantee deposit for non-residents, according to the amount established in the Regulations of the Guarantee Deposit Fund of Act 8764.

d) Valid passport and in good condition.

e) Medical insurance that covers the applicant and his/her dependents for the entire term of the authorized legal permanence. The insurance can be purchased in Costa Rica or abroad.

At CELIG we provide specialized services to the LGBTQI+ community. If you want more information or make an appointment with us, call us at 4800-0248 or write to us at

We are located in San José, Barrio Escalante.

M.Sc. Ana Isabel Sibaja Rojas

CELIG – Center for Equal Litigation